In this article, I’m going to explain how to use docker-compose on the spring boot application with MongoDB.

Technology stack which going to use in this tutorial,

  • Spring Boot 2.4.1-RELEASE
  • Spring Data MongoDB
  • MongoDB – 4.4.3
  • Lombok
  • Docker – version 19.03.14
  • Docker-Compose – version 1.27.4
  • IntellijIdea for IDE


You need to setup docker and docker-compose in your machine to go forward with this tutorial.

I’ve used following well written articles from DigitalOcean to setup both docker and docker-compose on my local setup.

Setting Up Spring Boot MongoDB Project

I’ve created a simple REST API using Spring Boot with MongoDB database usage. First download or clone from GitHub.

$ git clone

Or else you can skip this step and try a docker-compose set up with your own spring boot application which uses MongoDB application.

Setup Docker Image For Spring Boot Application

In this tutorial, our docker-compose setup using two main services or components. Those are the Spring Boot application and MongoDB database.

MongoDB is already available as a docker image from docker hub MongoDB page. You can just go and select the version you need from there.

But your project is still not pushed or published as a docker image. Hence first you need to have docker image for your spring boot application. Then you can use both app and DB images with docker-compose.

If you don’t have a good understanding of how to use docker with a spring boot application, you can refer our article on How to Dockerize Spring Boot Application.

OK Let’s start the docker image creation,

First, create a file naming as Dockerfile in your project root folder. Then copy the following content into that file.

FROM openjdk:8-jdk-alpine
LABEL maintainer=""
VOLUME /main-app
ADD build/libs/spring-boot-mongodb-base-project-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar app.jar
ENTRYPOINT ["java", "-jar","/app.jar"]

Now you have two ways of building docker compose setup.

  1. Pointing Dockerfile into the docker-compose setup.
  2. Giving created docker image to the docker-compose setup.

Let’s go forward with pointing docker file way, since giving docker image part will cover with MongoDB image in this same setup.

Docker Compose File With Spring Boot and MongoDB

Now our application has the instruction to building the Docker image. So let’s create the docker-compose.yml file which allows us to combine the Spring Boot application and MongoDB database in this setup.

First, go to the project root and create a file named docker-compose.yml

Docker Compose for Spring Boot MongoDB application

Using links to Build Communication Between Services

The docker-compose documentation specifies that links is deprecated and should be replaced with depends_on.

There are two ways of building communication between spring boot application and the MongoDB database. You can use one from the following two methods to build this docker-compose setup.

I’ll start with using links to build communication between both app and the DB. So add the following content into the docker-compose.yml file,

version: "3.7"
    build: .
    restart: always
      - 8080:8080
      - mongo_db:app_db
    image: "mongo:4.4.3"
    restart: always
      - 27017:27017

Here we have out two main services as,

  1. api_service – Spring Boot REST API which runs on port 8080.
  2. mongo_db – MongoDB which runs on port 27017.

Explanation about the configurations I have used in this docker-compose file,

build – Here we should introduce the image name to build under that service, Here we have our Dockerfile which developed for the API in the same level with docker-compose.yml so using “.” it will capture that docker file and build the handle the api_service when executing this file.

Additionally, we have introduced mongo:4.4.3 as the docker image for MongoDB. It will download from docker registry and start when needed.

More to research: We can do the same to spring boot API docker image as well, Just push that image to docker-hub and you can directly use given image name and version for this setup as well.

restartalways Always restart the container if it stops. If it is manually stopped, it is restarted only when Docker daemon restarts or the container itself is manually restarted.

ports – Here we are mapping local machine port along with port inside a docker container.

links – Here we are setting a link with app_db service. So we can use app_db when defining an IP address for the database connection on our spring boot application. Then it will connect with the database running with this docker-compose.

All done, Now let’s change our to support this database and application server setup.

Here as you can see we are using that link value we used in docker-compose definition for host/IP address.

Better Solution: Use a separate file for docker-compose based deployments and set that via profiles.

Using Depends On to Build Communication Between Services

The docker-compose documentation specifies that links is deprecated and should be replaced with depends_on.

So here I’m setting the same docker-compose setup with using depends_on flag.

Just add following into the docker-compose.yml,

version: "3.7"
    build: .
    restart: always
      - 8080:8080
      - mongo_db
    image: "mongo:4.4.3"
    restart: always
      - 27017:27017

Here we are using depends_on to set dependent services to api_service. So internally docker-compose will start dependency services first and it will start dependent service in the end. So basically here it will start the DB first and finally, the application will be started.

Additionally, we have a small change on database connection properties, Here you should add the service name for the host or IP on that database connection.

Running Spring Boot Application and MongoDB Database Using Docker Compose

Now we have our docker-compose setup for this application. So first create a jar build for this application using the following command,

Navigate to the application root folder and execute,

$ ./gradlew clean build

Now there should be a newly created jar file with all the necessary files to run this application on build/libs folder.

Then create the build with docker-compose to build a docker image using the built jar file.

$ docker-compose build

Then use following command to run whole setup using docker compose.

$ docker-compose up

Then It will capture the docker-compose.yml and start running using the instructions given on that file.

sample output:

Docker compose up command out put spring boot mongodb database.
Docker compose up command output spring boot MongoDB


Thanks for reading our latest article on Docker Compose Spring Boot with MongoDB with practical usage. Hope you got a good understanding of how we can use docker, docker-compose with spring boot application development and deployment.

If you are looking for spring boot based practical application development tutorials, just check our article series and comment on whatever new things you need to see on our website.

You can get docker-compose.yml and Dockerfile from GitHub gists.

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